Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sound Familiar?

Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) rebels stop a car at a security checkpoint in the Qandil mountains in 2009. Iranian troops have crossed into Iraq twice in three days amid clashes with Kurdish rebels in the Qandil mountains near the border, a security spokesman said Saturday (AFP via Yahoo!News)

From YaLibnan:
Iranian troops have been shelling the region for at least 12 days in pursuit of Kurdish rebels, according to Lt. Saleh Ahmed of the Kurdish security forces. He said Iranian artillery killed a 14-year-old girl and wounded three villagers on May 30. Iranian troops with artillery and tanks crossed the Iraqi border last Thursday and began building an outpost and a road leading back into the Iranian side of the border, he said.
Impunity for international borders, the use of disproportionate force in the pursuit of "terrorists", lack of respect for human life. Sounds like Iran is behaving exactly like those against whom it aims the entirety of its rhetoric.

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